Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Time is Growing Near

It is Wednesday May 10th, 2006 and I am very concerned with what is happening in the world. We have the lunatic President of Iran sending a letter to W basically accusing us (the U.S.) of being the problem with the world. They of course are still threatening Israel if we do anything to stop the Iranian nuclear development. Russia (Gog) and China (Kings of the East?) are supporting Iran. Strong words are flying between Israel and Iran. I really don't think that most people understand how much fire that they are playing with when it comes to Israel. Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes and it is exciting. Even mainline denominations are turning against Israel. I guess they believe in replacement theology. Of course what can you say about denominations that go against the Word of God by allowing women to be ordained. Enough on the denominations, more on them on another post.

Israel is a burden to the world, just as the Scriptures tell us that it will be in the end times. The U.S. is systematically kicking God out of our country. About a month or so ago I was riding in the car with my wife and we were stopped at a light near our house and I sat there and I was overcome with a strong feeling that at that moment, things had changed. Things here in the U.S. and the world have changed. The time of the U.S. as a viable superpower and as a Godly nation is on the decline. We will not be able to stop that but we as Christians can bring the saving knowledge of Christ to this nation, because He will be returning soon.

Christians and our beliefs are under constant attack. I know that the minions of Satan are behind it. Satan knows his ultimate end and is doing everything to prevent his demise. We are under attack because we know the truth. As a Christian I am not intolerant towards others and their religions. I happen to know that if you as a person do not believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and you have not accepted that then you will go to hell. There is no other way to get to Heaven. No other religion will get you to Heaven. That is the plain truth, take it or leave it. We as Christians really need to get to work spreading the Word of God and planting the seeds of faith as Jesus directed us to do so.

That is all for now as I am drifting off point. More later on things like moral absolutes.


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